Table of Content
- Who can give communion?
- How to Lead Communion in Your Home
- Ready To Go To A Higher Level? God Will Teach You To Ascend!
- Is it okay to follow Jesus but not be called a Christian?
- How do you examine yourself before taking communion?
- Taking Communion at Home And Pray For Everyone
They are not doing it for proper reasons, and God will discipline them until they learn to stop walking in strife, division, and being so self-centered. Jesus was thinking of all of us when His blood was shed, and His body was broken. When you take communion at home alone, you lose out on two critical things that are intended to happen when people partake of the Lord’s Supper. Paul goes on to chastise them for having ungodly motives when they are partaking in communion. I pray for every state in America, Canada, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Oceania that people are healing and their finances will abound. Firstly, take a piece of bread, and in your own words or a variation of these words.
In fact, when Jesus first modeled the spiritual tradition of communion, He did it in someone’s home. If you’re a believer, you can take communion at home or just about anywhere. I’m going to use what you use when you take communion. I was recently told by God, that I need to stop playing games with Him and just do what He’s been saying. Nit really sure how to start, but I’m doing the best I can.
Who can give communion?
So, if you are not a believer or if you have unconfessed and unrepentant sin, then please do not take the communion elements. I am here to talk to you about what it means to trust in Christ and confess your sin if you’re interested. So, to help those at home here is a generic order of service. I’ve put suggested things to say in italics.

BUT, taking communion broke that enemy assignment instantly. I can understand why there would be consequences for treating the body and blood of the Lord like a pizza buffet; can’t you? That’s why the first step to taking communion at home–or taking communion anywhere–is to examine ourselves. This pandemic will be over at some point in the future and we'll once again be able to gather together, to meet, and to have the Communion. During this time of shutdown because of the COVID-19 virus, many congregations are not meeting.
How to Lead Communion in Your Home
This is where he instituted the Lord’s supper and wine was used during the Passover. Nevertheless, when we have children and recovering alcoholics, we do not want to tempt them. If you have younger kids, stick with the basics. Even a 2 year old can understand and repeat that communion is about Jesus. That’s a great foundation to lay.

Paul explained it , you must examine yourself . How does a 1 yr old examine himself ! Disrespectful to say the least . Maria, the book is called Gods creative power for healing. That’s why I encourage people who are right with God to go ahead and take communion at home, just between you and God.
Ready To Go To A Higher Level? God Will Teach You To Ascend!
As such, those who are not yet followers of Jesus are welcome to observe and have the meaning of the meal explained but should not participate until such time as they decide to follow Jesus. As the early church participated in communion, I encourage you to make this part of your own personal spiritual practice. Taking communion at home can be a beautiful way to remember all Christ has done for you. With Passover as the setting, Jesus took the bread, broke it, yet didn’t follow the typical Passover tradition. This is My body.” Then, with the cup of wine, He explained further. I will like to take holy communion at home everyday.

All God wants from His children is for them to love him, serve Him and connect with Him. She lives in rural North Central Missouri with her handsome and hilarious husband and a myriad of dogs, cats and chickens. Another wonderful way to remember God and all He has done for us is to pray God’s names. You may enjoy this post on the names of God and how to pray them. Have you participated in communion at home? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
Or, if you’re the head of the house, you can break pieces off and then hand them to family members. Taking communion in your own homes use any bread whether it be a piece of fresh bread, a cracker or even a sliver of a hot dog bun. You don’t need those fancy and expensive premade communion packets.
Communion is a symbolic act and not an efficacious act. Senior citizens who are feeble and have serious medical conditions may not be able to go to church. In such cases, communion should be taken to them by an elder, pastor or a family member at their home or place of residence. Under these circumstances we show love to others and it is okay to take communion at home. Personally, we allow our young children to take communion at home before they are saved because they are under our spiritual authority.
KCM's purpose is to mature believers worldwide in the use of their faith. Communion is for those who have made the decision to accept Jesus as the forgiver of their sins and the leader of their lives. Has the pandemic put you in a position to where you can’t get out and worship with other believers? There is a benefit to the situation- we can worship the Lord in an intimate atmosphere and take communion at home with our family. I’ve grown up in a Christian home my whole life, but there have been times I have struggled with my faith.

One of the ladies suggested we all take communion with the only things we had with us that somewhat resembled the elements. Within 5 minutes of taking grape & pretzel communion, I was totally fine. Our hearts knew what the elements represented, and so did Jesus. I started taking Holy communion about three weeks ago. It has increased my speaking in tongues and my prayer life is supernatural. They were coming together to the Lord’s Supper when they were hungry, so they were eating the bread and cup like a buffet.
At the bottom of this, you will find some helpful questions and conversation starters. There are various ways to take communion service at home. To help you, here are some helpful steps to take communion at home.

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